2023-24 Spring Semester Course Selection Notice…

2023.11.01 According to the notice from the Central Election Commission, the presidential and legislative elections will be held on Saturday, January 13, 2024. All classes held on that date are cancelled.
According to the notice from the Central Election Commission, the presidential and legislative elections will be held on Saturday, January…

2023.08.07 Online eForm Application for 2023-24 Academic Year 1st Semester Applications for Change of Class Section for Required Courses, Course Selection for Minors, Double Majors
2023-24 Academic Year 1st Semester Change of Class Section for Required Courses, Course Selection for Minors, and Double Majors, please…

2023.08.02 Due to the approaching typhoon, classes on MCU Taipei campus (Jihe complex) and Taoyuan campus will be suspended for one day on August 3 (Thursday)
Due to the approaching typhoon, classes on MCU Taipei campus (Jihe complex) and Taoyuan campus will be suspended for one…

2023.07.06 Course Cancellation for Academic Year 2022-2023 Summer Session II
Class Code: 40005 Course Code: M1102 Course Name: Calculus Credits: 3 Number of students:10 Departments: Department of Finance Campus: Taipei…

2023.05.26 Course Cancellation for Academic Year 2022-2023 Summer Session I
Class Code: 30007 Course Code: 35107 Course Name: Statistics I Credits: 3 Number of students:14 Departments: Business Administration Department Campus:…

2023.05.02 MCU 2nd Semester, 2022-23 Academic Year Notice for Graduating Bachelors’ Students
Ming Chuan University 2nd Semester, 2022-23 Academic Year Notice for Graduating Bachelors’ Students University-Leaving Procedures and Notice for Collecting Hardcopy…

2023.04.25 2023-24 Fall Semester Course Selection Notice
2023-24 Fall Semester Course Selection Notice…

2023.04.17 Ming Chuan University 2022-23 Summer Session(Only for MCU students)
Ming Chuan University 2022-23 Summer Session(Only for MCU students)…

2023.04.10 MCU 2022-23 Academic Year 2nd Semester Post-Midterm Course-Reduction Application Notice
Application Period: 9:00 am on May 1st to 4:00 pm on May 5th, 2023, no late applications will be accepted. Please use computer…